Opinionated, vocal, maverick-leaning people wanted
There's a team to be organized, a startup to be launched, a work culture to be created, a conversation to be started and a movement to be led. We want you and a handful of others just like you to join what we've started.
We think it's time we flip the script, make some noise and turn the spotlight on an untapped resource found on most playgrounds near you - the restless, the highly skilled, the workforce drop outs, the awesome body of designer/ lawyer/ economist/ professor/ doctor/ producer/ musician/ execs who've chosen kid and career. The ones tarnished by the “parent” brush. The growing number of professionals now deemed less valuable by Corporate America for having a family.
Let’s figure out a way to have parenthood and professionalism celebrated and integrated into a productive new American work culture.
Thinkers needed. Opinions welcome. Gin-fuelled debate assumed in helping us make corporate America see what it's missing. We ask you to join us, because we need people like you.
In our effort to change Corporate American culture, we need all the support we can get.
Organizations and individuals who are motivated to change things are important to us, and crucial in helping us open doors. Please sign up here if you qualify as either. We welcome any and all level of support. Thank you.
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
W.N.T.T. Supporters and Sponsors:
She Should Run - DC-based not-for profit group closing the political gender gap
Smoke & Meat - Creative swat team that works with brands to create things people like, use or need.
ReWorking Parents - Consultancy established to help parents struggling with the challenges of professional development and work-life fit.